libRocket + SDL2 = Haven?

Currently, I’ve been planning more about the development of Haven. Just creating the basic GUI seems to be a pain, and I’m looking for a fully developed solution to the GUI.

The answer seems to be libRocket.

As a newbie, I like the idea of “write once, run everywhere,” and libRocket seems to do what I want it to do. My only concern is how flexible the GUI can be, but if all goes well with the integration with SDL2, I’ll be able to fulfill all of my GUI needs and be free to develop the actual functionality of the game.

Therefore, most of my time over the next few weeks will be spent trying to integrate libRocket with SDL2, and then beginning work on the basic game engine.

I am also considering whether I should switch to Python since libRocket makes use of Python as its scripting language, but seeing as I’ve already used Lua, it makes me wonder whether I should even think of using Python. I’ll look into it anyways.